Dearest Lord, teach me to be generous; teach me to serve you as you deserve;
to give and not to count the cost. - Ignatius of Loyola
It is an honor to witness the stewardship in action at Ascension. By all rights, I’m not always around to observe the fullness of all that you, our members, do as you steward the gifts you have. The part that we share is truly a blessing to see; I’m inspired by both the time and talent you devote to ministry and to your commitment to worship. And I continue to be grateful for the financial gifts you offer to help make ministry happen here and keep our doors open. Our “Grace in Action” stewardship campaign this fall helped illustrate various aspects of stewardship. Our weekly Reflections of Grace, written by members, revealed shared gifts and talents. Each Reflection imparted wisdom and invited us to reflect on our relationship with God and with one another. We have received 60 stewardship Commitment cards, representing $570,000 of anticipated gifts in 2023. Thank you to all who have made these commitments. This year’s goal is $650,000, and we’re off to a great start! But there is still some work to be done. With your help, I am confident we can reach and even exceed our goal. Attaining this goal will allow us to maintain and cultivate new ministries, increase outreach giving, and respond to the rising costs of doing ministry. If your Commitment card is still on your desk, it’s not too late to send it in! If you need an extra stewardship packet, please visit the Welcome Desk in the Narthex, stop by the church office, or review the Stewardship page on our website. I’m also delighted to share that 36 people have completed their Time and Talent cards, telling us how they expect to serve in the year ahead. I remain assured that we will continue to seek new ways to serve and grow together. Thank you for being the best part of Ascension through your involvement and presence. May our understanding of the blessings of God continue to expand.