For as in one body we have many members, and not all the members have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another. - Romans 12:4-5
Worship is the foundation of church life. Worship creates a time and space to be fully present as we seek God through song, prayer, scripture, and the sacraments of the church. Whatever other programs or ministries we participate in during the week, we all come together on Sundays to attend worship. In fact, the active involvement of our church members in each part of the worship service is what makes it happen and what makes worship resonate long after the service itself has ended. On Saturdays, altar guild members prepare the altar and other elements for the service. Early Sunday mornings, the volunteers unlock doors and make coffee. Still others serve as greeters and ushers as services begin. During worship, the choir and lay readers play critical roles, as do those who help distribute communion. Additionally, those who run the Livestream and soundboard make our services widely available and optimally effective! Many of you are already serving in one or more of these ways. Over the next few weeks, we are devoting time to additional training. This Sunday and next, you will see technical professionals working alongside our volunteers in the sound and Livestream booth to help refine our work there. Furthermore, training for Lay Eucharistic Ministers, or LEMs, (5:30-6:30 p.m.) and acolytes (6:00-7:00 p.m.) will take place this Sunday, September 18th. Finally, as we return to full communion, more volunteers will be critical to adequately distribute the Eucharist. Serving is about so much more than filling a need. God uses our serving to change us and deepen our faith. If you are willing to serve the church in any of the aforementioned positions, or in the other ministries of worship, please email me to get started!