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Rector and Staff

Fr. Paul Klitzke

Fr. Paul Klitzke


Fr. Paul is the Rector at Ascension. He is a life-long Episcopalian, and is married with two children. He has served in a variety of settings including Alaska and Hawaii. God and family are his top priorities in life, but he also really enjoys cycling and tacos.
Suzanne Sweazy

Suzanne Sweazy

Director of Operations

A mother to three active boys (ages 9, 6, and 3), Suzanne became involved at Ascension as a parent at the day school before transitioning into the role of Operations Manager for the church. Suzanne previously taught high school English for nine years and remains committed to promoting lifelong learning for people of all ages. When not busy chasing after her children, Suzanne enjoys running with her dog, kickboxing, reading, and watching movies.
John Johnson

John Johnson


John and his wife Nancy have been members at Ascension fo 35 years. They have served in various leadership capacities, always finding ways to give back.
Mark Unkenholz

Mark Unkenholz

Organist and Choirmaster

Mark has held positions throughout his career in the field of education and church music. Encouraging congregational singing, working with Ascension's choir and playing the Pasi organ comprise the center of his responsibilities. He and his wife have two grown sons and are the proud grandparents of four grandchildren.
Alice Frederick

Alice Frederick

Director of Christian Formation

Alice has been an Episcopalian since her early twenties. She has worked in the fields of public education, Christian Formation, and youth theater. When not at work, Alice loves spending time with her two sons.
Mark Odieny

Mark Odieny


Mark is a clergy ordained in the Anglican Church of Kenya. While in Kenya he served as the vicar in an informal settlement for 10 years. He moved to the US four years ago and is a Master's of Divinity student at Brite Divinity School. He holds a bachelors degree in Urban Missions and his gifts include worship inclusivity, Bible study, student outreach and working with people on the margins.
Kate Bear

Kate Bear

Director of Ascension Day School

Kate has a passion for teaching students through play-based instruction. She is married and has two children. In her free time, she loves to play tennis and enjoys cooking.

Vestry Leaders

Senior Warden: Katie Dickenson

Junior Warden: Herb Kadane
Clerk of the Vestry: Anne Bergdorf Moisuk

Treasurer: Aaron Husman


Elected Members

Steve Baker, Katie Dickinson, Todd Rutenbar (Year 3)

Ginger Greenberg, Herb Kadane, Chris Reed  (Year 2)​

Michelle Heron, Bob Iden, Kathleen Rylander  (Year 1)​


Convention Delegates: 

Dabney Dwyer and Steven Lee


Ministry Leaders

Ascension Day School (ADS): Brett Rector
Evangelism: Jane Taber
Formation:  Fr. Paul Klitzke

Music and Liturgy: Fr. Paul Klitzke
Outbound: Audry Lee
Pastoral Care: Katie Dickenson
Property, Plant & Equipment: Todd Rutenbar
Radical Hospitality: Harry Breda and Kathy Rylander

Stewardship: Janey Burruss

Safety and Security: Bill Dunham



Chair: Jane Taber

Committee Members: Julie and Steve Baker, Sally Lewis, and Chris Reed



Chair: Alice Frederick

Committee Members: Joan Romanosky, Katie Dickinson, Ashley Rector, Robin Stansel, and Peggy Wise




Pastoral Care

Chair: Katie Dickinson

Committee Members: La Bau Bryan, Janey Burruss, Janet Calhoun, Marsh and Curt Gadsden, Sally Kittles, Gene Putnam, and Laurel Johnson

Chair: Audry Lee

Committee Members: Diane Haack, Hope Harbeck, Brian Kaspar, Bob Orton, Kathy Wendling, and Martha Wach


(Property, Plant, and Equipment)


Radical Hospitality

Chair: Harry Breda and Kathy Rylander 

Committee Members: Suzan Fenner, Harry Breda, Mary Lou Howell, Ray Oxenreider, Kabir Master, and Kathleen Rylander

Chair: Todd Rutenbar

Committee Members: Andrew Bolt, Dan Cotten, Carl Howell,

Herb Kadane, and Andrew Marshall 

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